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![]() Rocky Mountain Mathematics ConsortiumJournal of Commutative AlgebraThe Journal of Commutative Algebra publishes research papers and substantial expository articles in commutative algebra and closely related fields including algebraic number theory, algebraic geometry, representation theory, semigroups and monoids. Instructions for AuthorsInitial submission. Papers must be submitted via the web to . This will enter the submission into EditFlow. Such action is representation by the author that the manuscript has not been copyrighted, published, or submitted elsewhere. Papers that have been rejected by JCA should not be resubmitted unless resubmission is explicitly invited. It is strongly suggested that the JCA style sheet, , should be used when preparing a paper with LaTeX. This page also contains full instructions. After acceptance. After a paper is accepted, you will be asked to provide LaTeX and pdf files of the final version of your paper formatted using the JCA style sheet, . This page also contains full instructions. If your paper has been accepted, please use the status link given in the acceptance letter to request or communicate important information (such as address changes, corrections to text, and queries about publication). If you prefer, you can instead email Proofs. All proofing is done through EditFlow. Prior to publication you will be notified by EditFlow that a pdf file is ready for proofreading. You must have a current, working email address for us to process your paper.
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